We are a community of like-minded women learning to love ourselves through daily intention, gratitude and community.

You must love yourself and how you were made in order to pour that out into the world. We are here to cheer each other on in our journeys; to growth, purpose and infinite happiness.


Win Your Morning, Win Your Day…My 6 MUSTS That Set The Day.

I. LOVE. A. ROUTINE. In fact I don’t think I could have survived nearly 15 years in morning TV without a routine. I definitely thrive with some order but have, over the last few years, relaxed a bit so I could really FEEL life and have some spontaneity and presence too. Learning to live at…


Mama, Stop Scrolling and Wishing Your Life Looked Like Hers

A new house with a big fancy kitchen. Oh, yes, the one with the big island and the fancy lighting. I know, I zoomed in on the picture too, WOWZA, right? Then there’s that new car you saw Heather from high school got. Clearly, she and her family are #livingtheirbestlife with that beast of a…


20 Budget Friendly Summer Steals

Summer is here! Well, the unofficial start to summer that is but if you live in the desert like me, anything over 100 degrees warrants the start of summer. May and June in the valley of the sun aren’t the worst but as soon as late June rolls around and we push into July and…

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What I Started Doing Recently to Better My Sleep Health

I love a follow up story…you too? Or is it just me? This old TV girl still loves to hear MORE about a story, more details, and definitely a follow up. So if you don’t, then you don’t have to read more into my “sleep study adventures.” But I am pretty sure most of us…women…


She Needs to See HARD, MESSY and IMPERFECT Days

Earlier this week my kids and I were in the garage working out. And by working out, I mean moving our bodies…no equipment, just a random Pinterest search to find “an at home workout with no equipment, crossfit style.” Yes, I get real specific. We bring out our Alexa and blast some Billie Eilish and…


Mama, Are You Tired Too?

I have been away from my TV career for almost 2 years now. For nearly 15 years, I woke up at 2:30 am, Monday-Friday. And most of those years I was in it, I was a Mom with little kids. Sleep was undervalued and lacking most of those years. I would try to play catch…


What is the lead story in your life today?

I worked in TV news for 15 years. I know what a headline is. I know what click bait is. I know what sells a story. The headline is everything. It captures a viewer, pulls them in. Once they are in, we tell the story. Hook em’ with a headline. Today, I am no longer…


You Can Be Motivated and Ambitious and STILL Have Days Like This.

I am a doer. I love a list. I love to check it off. I love to have a plan. I love to go to bed at night feeling accomplished. I like things in order. I like to work. I like structure. All of the above is good but for much of my life I…

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Mother’s Day Gift Guide on a Budget

If you ask me, I think the ultimate thing on a Mom’s list for Mother’s Day is this: Do nothing. Like literally nothing. I can not imagine that I am the only one who has this topping our list. We don’t want to prep a breakfast, clean the house for company, grocery shop for the…

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To the Girl that Misses Her Mama on Mother’s Day.

I wandered Tar-Jay the other day and was drawn into the bright sign above the card aisle…”MOTHER’S DAY MAY 10″…yes, another one without her. I didn’t need to see the reminder because the reminder grows strong as the weeks lead up to this day. It has been nearly 13 years and I still struggle with…