Ridin’ shotgun on the Struggle Bus.
I still ride shotgun on the struggle bus when it comes to caring about what others think.
There. I said it.
If you are truthful and honest, you likely still combat that too, right?
Have I made big strides of not giving one flying color what other people think?
But when I don’t practice the tactics I have learned over the last couple of years to combat it, their opinions whether they are true or made up in my head, will cloud my mind like a summer thunderstorm.
They will cripple me.
Here is the thing, I have worked too hard on moving forward with a better mind to let this get me again.
So, what is my ongoing strategy?
(my fave one is THIS one...totally biased 😉
Do I skip a day or 2?
However, I know this practice, which is now a habit has only been formed because of consistency.
💛I know that through my consistent work on myself, my life has gotten better, exponentially.
💛I know that I don’t want to stop this one thing I do everyday.
Something tells me you don’t either, right?
Who knew a little journal could amount to a big change of GOOD in your life, right?
My point is...we will all struggle and we all have things we continue to work on inside of ourselves so that we can live the life we want based on the vision of the life we want to create.
The struggles will change over the years. The hardships will happen. It is inevitable.
The one thing that can be a constant?
👉You sister!
You can show up each day for YOU.
Ready with an 💪armor of Gratitude, a 💛heart of love and a 🧠mind filled with GOOD.
It is a lot harder for the opinions of others to seep into your mind and heart when you are living in gratitude.
I always think of personal growth like a diet...you can do all the right things, follow the plan, work out but when you stop doing it and decide donuts are a great source of nutrition and stress release is a day with you and Dr. Pimple Popper on TV then you will absolutely throw all the work out the window, right?
It is constant effort but in a consistent manner. This is how it becomes part of your life and routine.
💜I want you to keep going.
💜I want you to continue to work on you.
💜I believe in you.
The greatest investment is you...the return is exponential and it will bleed into every facet of your life.
So, let’s keep going TOGETHER..
Let’s keep walking along side each other in this journey.
Let’s shine bright together and light this world up!
Sounds magnificent, right?
Let yourself be proud of YOU. I am proud of YOU.