We Need a Hand to Hold if We are Going to Walk this Life.

I have been reminded of this time and time again...especially when circumstances change and life throws us curve balls...we need hands to hold if we are going to journey with strength in this life. It's how I often see God show up in my life, by the friendships and love He brings to me with the people He sends my way.

We need hands to hold.

I think you do too.

Do you feel like you can do it alone?

Is it working?

Have you held the hand of someone just for them to let you go when you needed it the most?

If you answered 'yes' to these questions then you won't like what I have to say.

You may have valid reasons why you just feel it is easier to do it alone and not let someone walk with you.

Maybe someone broke your trust, lacked loyalty, didn't show up when you needed them the most or doesn't reciprocate the way you love them.

Yes, it feels safer to travel alone because you don't have to depend on anyone to help you.

That works for a hot second.

Until you get to a place in life and you are exhausted, worn out or overwhelmed and need a dose of encouragement and a pep talk to keep going. Or you need someone to point you back to Jesus and His truth.

Pretty sure we all need this at some point.

God has given me some loving friendships over the years...they each have different hearts, different gifts and different perspectives but they all have offered their hands to me.

 I am grateful because this life race would have had me finding the nearest exit had it not been for them.

I don't know what mile your life feels like you are in right now.

 I know the road gets tricky, winding, hilly and unfortunately the straight, pretty paths are few and far between.

I don't mind the valleys. I have been in them before.

I don't mind the mirages that look like the finish is near. I have seen those before.

I say this because I don't mind it because I have hands to hold.

God gives us people as a way for us to feel His hands on your life.

This is my wish for you (and me too...duh, you know I selfishly minister to myself too).

To be brave and courageous enough to seek someone's hand.

To ask for the help when you need it.

To answer honestly when they text or call and ask "how are YOU?"

To share your heart when you would rather keep it locked up.

To take another chance on them.

To forgive. To reconcile. To just keep trying a little more.

I believe most people are good and often we get in our own way and because of our own insecurities or made up stories in our heads we put up walls, close our hearts and commit to never letting anyone in again.

The fear of getting hurt is real especially if that fear was a reality at some point.

But we can not base every other relationship off of one that might have gotten rocky or distant or ended.

Most people have good intentions. Many of us are on our own journey of healing and along the way we mess up with others. This is when the idea of grace can be hard. We know we need it all day every day and hope others will bestow it on us but often we hold out on giving it to others.

I am a work forever in progress on that one.

Here's the truth: There are MANY people who want to love you, all of you, the messy and hard parts too.

They want you to cross your finish line.

They want to hold your hand.

The times I have felt different are the times I know I let my expectations get in the way of their good qualities, their dear hearts and amazing spirits.

I promise there are people out there that will never let you go, no matter what. Their love for you is truly unconditional.

Today, I remind you of the hands you need to hold yours. I remind you that there is a hand that needs to hold yours too.

I promise this life was never meant to be walked alone.

God never designed a world for us to live alone.

He wants you to find those hands and that community.

I am so grateful you are here. Our community needed YOU. Another hand to hold. Just know that.

Squeezing your hand today, Sweet Friend. Let's keep walking.

Starting Each Day With Gratitude

This is my very own 90-day gratitude journal I use every morning. Would you care to join me and thousands of other women who start each day with gratitude? 

My You Do You Journal is a 90-day guided journal, with love and support from me throughout your first 3 months through daily motivation and a community of like-minded women choosing to live in gratitude!

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  1. Jess on April 5, 2021 at 7:21 am

    So good, sister!! Love reading your words!!

    • Andrea Robinson on May 12, 2021 at 2:23 pm

      love you!