Budget Friendly Self Care at Home

Here we are....in our homes for longer than we ever have before with little ability to just walk into our favorite nail salon, hair salon or spa. Yes, many states still have "we are open for business" signs but many don't.

Plus, many of us are just using this time to adhere to the government recommendations and "stay home" if we can.

I was thinking the other day as I saw this meme. I laughed because we all need light and laughter right now more than ever but then I thought to myself "this is no different for me than most days of my 'living on a budget' journey we have been on since 2011."

Back then when we were $52k in debt (read the full story here) we HAD to cut all "non-essentials" in order to save money and pay down debt. That meant all the "extras" like nails, pedis and spa treatments.

I will say, I still to this day, we stick to a monthly cash flow plan. It's a tad looser these days with no debt but I don't regularly get spa treatments and massages and my nails done.

It's a treat factored in our budget when I do. I will be super transparent with you though...I still get my hair cut and colored and that costs money and so does my "every 6 months or so" botox...again, YOU DO YOU, right?

But in all seriousness, this is affecting EVERYONE...whether you know someone who actually got sick but you likely no someone who's business is affected. Several of my very best friends are hair stylists, nail techs and spa owners/aestheticians and they have literally stopped working and have no income.

So, by all means, GO BACK AND GIVE THEM YOUR BIZ when things get back to normal but for now since you actually can not get most of your self care services done, here are my budget friendly ways.

Again, this isn't a post I just came up with, I actually use all of these things on the reg because your girl here lives on a budget and has for many years.

Have fun, spend some time on you and let's all keep HOPE alive that we will all be flooding businesses again one day very soon.

And as always, if you decide to buy anything on this list and go through my links, I earn a small commission. If you don't feel comfortable with that you can search on your own but if you do, I will give you a big hug when I see you one day for helping me too! xO

Nail Care

These are AH-MAZING! They lasted over a week for me and super duper easy to apply. I always buy a neutral because when they do chip you can not see and won't be rushed to redo immediately.

2. Dip Nails

At Home Dips

So, the one thing we all have is time right now and if you are bored at night and can not take another Netflix special then this is something you can learn to do! Your own dip nail set. One of my besties swears by this one. She is a dip girl for life and can not get her nails done at the moment and this is fitting the bill.

I have used this set FOR-EV-ER...it lasts. Now, it doesn't last weeks but you'll get a good few days out and again, sometimes feeling good means doing our nails and toes, right? I use this on my toes mostly because I feel it lasts longer. This light and basic color again camouflages any chips.

4. Best Polish Remover

You can use this for all the nails. Soaks off the dips very well too. Just takes patience with those. But aren't we all learning and restoring our patience through this?!

Body Care

Been using this for eternity. It is ancient in my book but it is my go to when I can not get into my fave spray tan stylist Jess at JC Glows. Truthfully, I reserve my spray tans for vacays and special occasions so every Sunday after a good scrub and shave in the shower I apply this when I get out. I used to do this every Sunday before my work week in TV started. We wore dresses and sleeveless tops and this was a great way to feel sun kissed always. And it's under $10!

2. Best Body Scrub

Okay, there is no link for this one...why? Because one of the best recipes I have for a body scrub is coconut oil, sugar and lavender essential oil. Get a mason jar and add 1/2 of coconut oil, mix 1 cup of sugar or epsom salt and add whatever essential oil scent you love. Lemon and lavender is a great combo!

YOU. NEED. A. BATH. and some respite. Pour yourself a warm bath and add epsom salt. Light a candle. Amazon Music Playlist on (Acoustic Chill is my fave) and maybe a mocktail or a glass of wine. Trust me. Go, do it.

Skin Care

Okay, so if you are not shaving your face then what are you doing with your life?! Kidding but kind of not. My dear friend, Danae turned me on to this little device. It is soooo amazing. Takes all the peach fuzz off and makes your skin feel like a baby's booty! Plus, if you can not get in at the moment to your fave skin gal, this is the next best thing! And when life resumes, you will want this in your skin care arsenal.

Face Shaver

2. Best Face Wash

A super amazing friend turned me on to this. I have hormonal skin lately and this is THE only face wash/bar that has cleared it up. My skin feels super tight and clean after I wash at night. Takes all the make up off and balances your ph in your skin with minerals. I am sold.

Mud Bar Cleanser

3. Mud Mask

Super clarifying and fantastic, especially if you have hormonal skin like me...plus picture this...your epsom salt bath I described above, a mud mask and a glass of wine...we are gonna make the best of these times. And you have no where to go so no excuses.

Mud Mask

4. Best Reusable Face Cloths/Make Up Remover Cloths

Right now we are saving all the paper towels or paper products and trying to conserve our skin care essentials. So, this is a winner. No make up remover solution needed, just this cloth...it is MAGIC. Takes most all of your day makeup off and then follow with the mud cleansing bar.

Face cloths

Hair Care

1. Root Touch Up

Oh girl, I get it...I need mine done too but we will all be running to our stylists and saying "I am not worthy!" You are not alone...grey roots, dark roots or brassy blonde. Here is my go to spray for roots. Choose the color that best matches and spray lightly on the root to cover up. Great for rooty grey.

Root Magic

2. Dry Shampoo

I have 1,234 favorite dry shampoos and this one is one of them. Plus, on days we are working in jammies on the couch this one makes our hair feel fresh and fluffed. Use it now and then you'll never go back to washing every day.

3. Best Shampoo and Conditioner

If you can not get in to your girl and buy products let me share my FAVORITE shampoo ever. My girl turned me on to this. My hair has never been more healthy. I told you I am all about a budget and when you see the price you might think I am cray. But you use it sparingly and mine has lasted nearly 5 months. THAT is budget friendly when you do the math. This is the link for the set of shampoo and conditioner along with the bond creme which is a must before blow drying your hair. Again, a little goes a long way!

4. At Home Blow Out

I have shared this brush a million and a half times because it is THAT good. Smooth and sleek and ah-maze. Be sure to air dry most of your hair and then pin up and do sections at a time. The results are fantastic!

Best Brush for an At Home Blowout

And just like that...we have ourselves a list! To get us through these times we can not do the things we love or our used to. We can choose to feel good and take care of ourselves at home.

It's just temporary and soon we will be filling the salons and our landing on the schedules of our favorite stylists and skin and nail care professionals but here's what we do in the meantime.

Draw your bath, pour your drink or steep your tea and let's make at home self care work for now...on a budget, of course.

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  1. Did you use a base coat of any kind with the Sally Hansen gel nail polish? I barely got a day out of itSarah on March 26, 2020 at 3:59 pm

    Did you use a base coat of any kind with the Sally Hansen gel nail polish? I barely got a day out of it

    • Andrea Robinson on April 1, 2020 at 8:12 am

      I do…but I only use it on my toes…it seems to not last on my nails either.

  2. Stephanie on March 27, 2020 at 7:40 am

    Great suggestions! I can vouch for a few of those too! Thanks for the tips!

    • Andrea Robinson on April 1, 2020 at 8:12 am

      YAY!!! So glad you love them too!